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Today I tell you a special story. The story of the Agnes Trophy. It is based on a promise, that I made in a quiet, unforgettable moment and that I´m going to keep.

As announced in the last blog post wine from hell , I now tell you, ahy the award of outstanding quality for software solutions for acconting is so important.

A special moment. Because I’m now giving you the story of the Agnes Trophy.

On the 06/04/2006  I was located in the AKH (General Hospital of the City of Vienna). I have experienced the sunrise over the roofs of Vienna. – I felt my son Dominik Immanuel stamping in my belly.

There was a candle at the night stand. It´s warm shining, blazing flame, accompanied me through a special night.

Because I knew, that in a few hours, I would give birth to this child and at the same time accompany him to death. – A birth woe, that bring death. My last birth woe!

Then, a few hours later, when my tears flowed over the quiet, seemingly sleeping little child Dominik, I promised him one thing:

I will now finally implement all my visions.

This included my accounting project.

I wanted to get it out of the invisible corner, since I was a little girl. Because my father was sitting there. For nights, bent over figures.

While those, who visibly accomplished and realized the works of the company, stripped the glory.

For me, accounting was and still is, colorful, if you really love it from the heart.

Because accounting figures tell exciting stories about the company. Figures make it possible for works to be realized at all.

Accounting figures contribute to fame. After all, those works, that pay off are eventually implemented. Properly calculated, they lead to success.

And to make that visible, has been my wish since I equipped my father’s office with colorful children’s drawings.

Because there were special moments, when my father looked up from his figures and started telling me a story. Namely to the visible work, the achievement, that the company accomplishes.

The birth of the Agnes Trophy was 06/04/2006, when I promised the soul of my son Dominik Immanuel to realize this vision:

“Enable all companies with up-to-date and correct output from accounting, to save the maximum of time, space and money.”

From now on, there will be the Andersen Award for the visibility of those, who make this possible, with their outstanding quality.   Winners will be awarded with the Agnes Trophy!

The first award has been postponed until 2022 due to the impact of COVID-19 measures. Scheduled date: 10.9.2022.

All those companies that apply to the Andersen Award,  have the chance to be awarded.

And the Agnes Trophy? How will it look like?

I cordially invite you to participate. Because there are now the official tender documents for the design of the Agnes Trophy.

In order to support young people, we are looking for students from the fields of design, art and graphics.

Please pass it on,  to all students, you know!. We look forward to receive applications.

Companies and institutions, which want to use the opportunity to achieve marketing goals as part of this project, we offer a long-term collaboration as a sponsor: Detailed information is currently being worked out: If you wish to use this chance and if you have any questions,  please write to us now! – Thanks.

And of course, we will tell you how it will continue. With outstanding quality for accouting, as well as the Design of the Agnes Trophy.

Goodbye, with greetings from Agnes Andersen

PS: My song “Pick it up” is now on Spotify

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