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Many things are possible thanks optimised accounting processes.

In any case you gain space and time for your core business.

I have thirty years of experience in accounting. I am aware of the staff turnovers, the challenges with software solutions and the challenges of bringing together data from all areas of the company.

I invite you to travel with me in the future of accounting.

In the future of accounting, optimised processes create time and space for your company.

Accounting provides up-to-date figures for important decisions in your company.

The accounting software works invisibly in the background. And provides your business with the numbers it takes to make decisions.

To help companies to find the right software solution, I have created the Andersen Award .

This is were outstanding software solutions are honored and made visible.

It is possible for software provides to apply here: The questionnaire for software providers is also available there.

Do you know s software that you want to learn even better and which is interesting for the Andersen Award? Write to me. I look forward to receive your e-mail:

And now enjoy this music video “An Accountant” by Daniel Schoder. In my next blog post I´ll tell you what the horse is all about!

The Future of Accounting

7 steps to you modern accounting setup.

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The Future of Accounting

7 steps to your modern accounting setup.

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The Future of Accounting.

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The Future of Accounting

7 steps to you modern accounting setup.

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The Future of Accounting

7 steps to your modern accounting setup.

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