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In the meantime, it has become dark.

The white crosses in the green, blue and black patterned tapestry are countless. The carpet hangs next to Anna’s bed.

Her father’s footsteps can be heard from there. The attic creaks.

Anna turns away from the wall and faces the window. The moon is shining. Even with the window closed, you can hear the crickets chirping. Only the passing cars sometimes drown them out.

The father’s steps are noticeable again. This time he is climbing down the ladder from the attic. He walks past Anna’s room. His shadow can be seen through the glass door. He comes closer.

As her father opens the door, Anna closes her eyes. He goes to her bed and sits on the edge. He slowly strokes her head with his hand. Her blonde curly fringes fall back.

The father runs a finger across Anna’s forehead from top to bottom and then from left to right

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