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Don´t send anything else.

“We will not take it any more. From now on, we’ll send everything back unopened.” Anna reads this email several times. She circles the empty rooms.

Anna hesitates at one of the many portraits hanging on the light blue wall of the room. She then reaches for the picture of her son and puts it in the box with the others.

She hangs up other pictures: The Dalmatian, the tiger and two photos from her own childhood. When she didn’t wear glasses yet. She must have been about four years old. Fine hair falls curly over her shoulders. Another picture shows her together with her older siblings. Three children are standing in the sand without shoes, wearing shorts. The sea in the background.

Anna now turns to the windowsill. She takes the cactuses out of the yellow planters and places them in the red ones. They have grown noticeably since they left.

Anna waters them. Imagines what her son looks like. What his voice sounds like. Is his voice already breaking? And what do they have to cope with?

Anna carries books down to the cellar. School books, young adult books, Fear Street books, Greg’s diaries, Harry Potter books.

Anna sits down on the cellar floor and looks at the colourful wall. She can still remember how she ordered the spray cans. In the graffiti madness of her children.

The bright blue shark takes up half the length of the wall.  On the other side is the formula E = mc2. Red and yellow hearts: green, yellow, blue and black paw prints are scattered in between. The black knife, from which blood is dripping, even has a silver-coloured blade.

Anna puts the books in the box. Should she send it?

A parcel that is not accepted will be returned at the sender´s expense.

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