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Heroic Journey

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Count with Accounting!

Agnes Andersen is bringing accountancy into the digital age – because she recognised early on how one can properly employ digitisation possibilities and insert them successfully. She creates manageable frameworks for company numbers and processes.

Medium and long-term effects include saving ample time, space and costs. This is the only way to simplify our increasingly complex workdays, allowing us to fix our focus on our core business.

My Services
Digitales Rechnungswesen
Digitales Rechnungswesen

Companies benefit!

When properly planned and implemented, automated and digitised accountancy greatly simplifies one’s operational and strategic business life. In order to find the best solution, however, we need a comprehensive analysis and a holistic view of the company.

Agnes Andersen advises companies on the right systems, processes and software solutions.

Services for Businesses

Tax consultancy firms benefit!

Finding the right software, digitising routines, automating them and adapting them to clients’ requirements is time-consuming, costs resources and can significantly slow down ongoing operations.

As an external expert, Agnes Andersen develops relevant processes, implements appropriate software, trains employees and thus lays the foundation for future-proof tax advice and bookkeeping.

Services for Tax Advisers
Digitales Rechnungswesen
Digitales Rechnungswesen

Stepping into digital accounting

Every vision, every discovery and all progress begins with the first step. But this step often causes us the greatest headaches. Agnes Andersen offers expert support in your transition to a customised and sustainable accounting system.

  • No more printed receipts
  • Develop processes digitally
  • Reduce sources of error
  • Administer receipts in the document management system
  • Access your data anytime, anywhere
  • More resources for your core business
  • Current evaluations for your company decisions
  • Relieved employees and cooperation partners
  • Prepared for your digital business world
  • Competitive thanks to a slick and streamlined structure
My Services

Technology should be working for us – not the other way around.
The future of accounting lies at our feet.
All we need is to pick it up and turn it on.

– Yours, Agnes Andersen

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The Future of Accounting

7 steps to you modern accounting setup.

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The Future of Accounting

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The Future of Accounting

7 steps to you modern accounting setup.

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The Future of Accounting

7 steps to your modern accounting setup.

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